1. modelling and
uv mapping

What is this module about?

In this lengthy module you will learn low- and high-poly modelling, basic NURBS modelling, and hard surface modelling. We will also venture into organic modelling territory, covering silhouette- and box-based character modelling in low- and high-poly counts, anatomically accurate and animation-friendly topology, sculpting in Maya, retopo, and UV mapping.

What are the requirements for this module?

A decent Windows 10 Pro-based PC with a strong video card, or a Mac with a strong AMD card, at least 16 Mb RAM, a HD or UHD monitor, and a pen tablet (e.g. the Wacom Intuos series). You will also need a Maya  license, and some kind of anatomical atlas or app wouldn’t hurt as well.

Whom is it recommended for?

Every single 3D specialisation is built upon a thorough understanding of how 3D objects are structured. The texture artist needs to understand the UV map, the rigger and the animator need appropriate topology; the list goes on.

This module serves as an entryway into 3D graphics—one of the most prolific industries of our time. Whether you want to work in feature production, video game development, or just want to level up your skillset as a graphic designer, this is the right way to start.

Software we use


The Interface

The menus and the Hotbox. Hotkeys and Marking Menus. Navigation.


Working with primitives. The Channel Box & the Attribute Editor. Translate, Move, Scale. The Pivot. Snapping. The polygonal components. Nodes. The Dependency Graph. Non-linear history.

Tools of Modification

Extrude. Multi-Cut. Append to polygon. Edge loops & Edge rings. The Modelling Toolkit. Symmetry. The Crease tool. Soft & Hard edges. Smooth Mesh Preview. The Smooth tool. Lattice and the Non-linear deformers.

UV Mapping

The UV editor and the UV Toolkit. Artist-friendly UV mapping.

NURBS Basics

EP & CV curves. Surface generation. The NURBS components. Editing curves and surfaces. Trimming. Output to polygon. Modelling a NURBS ashtray.


Create environmental assets that can be used to build a scene. Plan the project, calculate the time, set milestones and execute.

Rocks, Ruins, and Foliage

Model rocky assets and ruined building parts. Create low-poly plants, trees and foliage, utilising alpha maps.

Paint FX

The Content Browser. Seed. Brush attributes. Convert to polygons.

Organic Modelling

Create polygon tool. Make Live. Quad Draw. Basic retopology. Blocking a humanoid character.

Topology I

Creating topology that supports the anatomical shapes of a character.

Detailing in Steps

When and how to smooth the model? Creating details that affect the silhouette. Using the Sculpting toolset to create surface detail and enhance shape.

Topology II: Retopo

Creating animation-friendly, low-poly topology using Quad Draw.


project “VESSEL”

Choose the concept art for a hard-surface vehicle. Start blocking. Creating details. Cleaning up unnecessary topology. Finishing the model.

project “trophy”

Pick an animal, gather reference, and build its head, starting with a silhouette. Then create the UV map for it.

project “scenery”

Create all the objects that you will use to build an environment to host your vessel and the character you’ll create in part II of this module. Create UV maps for every object that you have in this project, and build the final scene with regards to your vessel and future character model.

project “role model”­

Choose the concept art for your character. Build and sculpt a high-poly model. Create a low-poly model by retopologising the high-poly model. Do the UV mapping on the retopologised mesh.


The module ideally takes
48 lessons to finish.

A lesson is 90 minutes long.

It is recommended to take
1 lesson a week.




(paid in 12 installments)

£ 276 ×12 (£ 3312)

FOR duos:

(paid in 12 installments)

£ 138 ×12 (£ 1656) /student